One day I received bad news, and I was just was so angry at the situation. I even was mad at God, and said " don't I do enough and behave enough to get something I want?" I took the whole day being mad and layed in bed. The next day I awoke still feeling the pain and anger from the day before, but I started my day with God despite my anger.
I went to my Garden which I had been neglecting a bit because of school. It was overgrown with weeds that needed to be plucked. I sat there and a child of God talked to me through the fence and was talking to me about things of the Kingdom of God. It took me one hour and twenty minutes to get most of the weeds out, and I still hadn't got all of them.
Then God showed me something and talked to me through the Holy Spirit. He told me that I needed to take care of my spiritual garden too. That my life is a garden and that although I bear fruit, there are also weeds that pop up through my garden. When I got mad the previous day I just wanted to sin because I was mad and wanted to be rebellious, I had a feeling that I try and do so much for God's Kingdom that I deserved something. In my fit of rage I had went back to my "throw it all away" concept of life at the first sign of a problem in life. I hadn't seen this side of me in so long because I haven't really had anything to look for the past eleven years of life because of being in prison. Life is going to have problems and they will be disappointing, and God showed me I still had to work on some things. I still had some weeds in my garden that I hadn't seen.
It reminds me of the moment the disciples asked Jesus, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" Matthew 13:10 Jesus's response was, " Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. " Matthew 13:13 In the moment I was mad I didn't want to hear or listen to anything, and probably didn't have the ability to. God gave me my time for my emotions to calm over night, and let me work and weed all of those weeds until I was tired. Then He spoke to me and told me my life was a garden and I needed Him to help me weed it. He let something happen to show me the weed hidden in my garden, and did it out of love to make my life better than I could even imagine.
Problems will always happen us, but we must trust God and let Him guide our responses to these problems. We may not respond right, but I call you to let your emotions go away before making that decision in life. Don't let your feelings control important decisions in life because our heart isn't always right. "For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things," 1 John 3:20 Let God be your Gardener! He will pluck the things out of life that you can't even see that are still a problem. The situation I was mad about I still don't even know the outcome, but my wife and I will trust The Holy One of Israel, The Creator of the Universe! "...but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, hope." Romans 5:3
Trust God in all situations especially when you have no hope or clue how to solve the problem.
Kory B.