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  • AutorenbildBreaking Walls Ministry

God Has A Partner For You.

Aktualisiert: 29. Sept. 2022

Did you ever feel in life that no one cared, and if God wasn't there you would have no one? After about ten years in prison I was pretty hurt mentally, I felt like I had no one, and I often cried at night. One night I was praying to God just to show me my partner even if it was in a dream. I gave Him unnecessary conditions saying if in a dream, and I don't have to see her until I get out of prison.

Well the power of prayer is powerful, and God knows what you want and need in life. "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26

I went on with my day to day routine not thinking about the prayer. One day I get a letter from Germany with funny numbers written in the address. It peaked my curiosity, and I opened it and read it. It was this nice Christian girl that was asking me about my life and testimony, and talking about the weather and her make up. I wrote her back that night and sent it away, it takes three weeks for mail to travel from the U.S to Germany. I go about living life and going through the day to day routine.

I received a response after awhile from the girl. She told me how happy she was to get my response and that it was so long. She wrote her testimony in this letter and it made me cry. I cared so much, I just wanted to be a friend, a fellow believer in Jesus that she could confide anything to. I wrote her back and just thanked her for sharing so much with me and being so caring and empathetic to me. Well after this response she decided she had to start emailing me because the time was to long to wait for the regular mail to get back and forth. We sent twenty emails a day for months! I realized I started to have feelings for her and I just was so scared to tell her. God urged me and told me to tell her and it was OK!

I wrote the email and held the cursor over the send button and just paused, God said "just do it." in my mind. I hit send and instant panic set in, anxiety, thoughts about what if I ruined our friendship. I had to wait an hour for her reply and she said that she wanted to write this the day before!

Our relationship grew and we became boyfriend and girlfriend. We had our first phone call, which she didn't want to do. Then we had our first video visit, and then a year later we seen each other in person for the first time and had our first kiss.

On 9\22\22 we got married and our souls were combined under God until He calls us home.

I tell you this to let you know God has a partner, and He will bring that person to you. No matter how far away they are or the circumstances are. Put your love and trust in God first and He will add that special person that you need in life! He knows what you need in a partner because He told Adam that it was not good for man to be alone. If you are holding onto a relationship that is not healthy let it go. God has a partner for you that is more than you could dream of in a partner. I know this because my wife is more than I thought I could ever deserve!

Kory B.

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