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  • AutorenbildBreaking Walls Ministry

Hi, I Am Sonny. And This Is My Story.

Aktualisiert: 29. Sept. 2022

I would like to write about one of my favorite Scriptures. But first let me explain why it's my favorite.

At a very young age, I was placed in Michigan's foster care system due to my home setting. Unfortunately, my mother regained her parental rights, and we were returned to her care when I was ten-years-old, where I remained until the age of twelve.

It was during this time that I felt the greatest of her wrath. Her abuse ranged from unnecessary beatings with extension cords, switches, to fly swatters. Along with her physical abuse, she decided to add mental abuse. Her mental abuse would include things like you're stupid, worthless, you'll never amount to anything, and perhaps the worst thing a parent could ever tell her child, "You should never have been born". What a chilling statement for any child to hear especially coming from the very person to give them life.

If you keep telling something to a child, they will eventually believe it, and that's just what happened to me. Throughout my childhood, I lived with these nasty seeds my mother had sown into my life, and I continued to live with them for many years to come.

I spent the next eight years bouncing from one foster home to another. The system didn't want the foster parents and the children to get too attached, but also because I would get myself into trouble. It was during this time that I began to live the way my mother had prophesied. In school, my grades began to reflect the scornful words of my mother, "you're stupid", "you're worthless." I figured "hey" why even try because I'll never amount to anything anyway.

Fortunately, several of the foster homes in which I found myself were Christian, which gave me an early insight into Christianity. Even though I had this early introduction, I didn't take it seriously until I finally sat down and read the Bible in its entirety. In 2000, I came across this verse. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13).

After reading this verse, everything my mother told me came flooding back, and it got me thinking whether her words were true. Shortly after reading this verse, I gave my life to the Lord, which to date has been the best decision of my life. In 2001, I began to put this verse to the test and earned my GED (General Education Diploma), yup I tested God! However, it was a test that has changed my life forever. That's when I found out that what my mother had told me so long ago wasn't true. The words of Philippians 4:13 have stood with me and will stand with me for the rest of my life.

Since then, I have become the only sibling of five to attend college. I've earned two college degrees with a GPA of 3.81. Not bad for someone who grew up believing he was stupid, worthless, and will never amount to anything.

In closing brothers and sisters, I would like to encourage you to memorize Phil. 4:13. Because no matter what road blocks you may find in your path, you really can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.


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