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  • AutorenbildBreaking Walls Ministry

I Pray For You

Aktualisiert: 29. Sept. 2022

I was in and out of trouble my whole life,

Some things I deserved, Other's I did not...

Religion didn't really play a roll in my life, Of course

all that changed when I came to prison and found my true purpose in life!

See your probably thinking to yourself , "Oh here's one of those guy's who claims Jesus only because he's in trouble," "But the second he gets out he leaves his Bible and everything in it behind..."

For most people, this is the truth! But in my life it is the opposite.

Through my life I read the Bible many times, but nothing in it ever stayed with me, Until this last time.

See I learned that I have to not only read the Bible but also study it, learn what each word means, think about it, process it, and apply it to my life and most of all believe it and give my life to Jesus!!!

This changed my life forever, I read and studied my Bible as much as possible.

So when I leave prison I am taking my Bible and everything in it with me and I am going to live my life accordingly to how our Father, Son and Holy Spirit asked me too!

Day after day I pick up my Bible and read and study what I find inside it...

My life has completely changed, And this time it is changing for the good. Thing's that were hard before have became easy, Things that were easy for me to get in trouble with became harder, because my inner voice and my Saviour show me the correct path to take,

where to go when I'm lost, (Which happens a lot...)

But seriously, He show's me the light, He provides

food when I'm hungry, He gives me some one to talk to when I need a friend.

He is there for me when ever I need guidance...

My life has become whole, when before it was not

"Holy", doing the right thing comes first instead of last. Being a good person provides many benefits including family ( new found or existing ) and friends.

It draws good people to you, Jesus surrounds us with good people.

He became my Almighty, He showered me with blessings and relieved me of my many many curses. He forgave all of my sins, past and future ones...

I don't expect you to take my word for this, I want you to experience this all for your self.

I want you to be with me in the after life. I welcome you to experience all the miracle's and blessing's for your self.

I want you to be with us in this life changing journey.

I pray for you, I pray for all, I pray some day to share all the gifts and blessings with you that Our Father, Son and Holy Spirit has blessed me with, If you are only able to remember one thing that I have spoken here, I hope it's this " ...I Pray For You... "

Mike A.

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