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Our Final Destination

Autorenbild: Breaking Walls MinistryBreaking Walls Ministry

Aktualisiert: 29. Sept. 2022

Its important to know that God doesn't want anyone to go to hell nor is it His choice that anyone goes there. Ezekiel 33:11 says "I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that a wicked person turn from his evil ways & live." Salvation is a free gift from God & if anyone decides to reject that gift, then they've chosen the only alternative to heaven...hell.

We can never make it to Gods kingdom under our own power. Romans 3:23 says we are all sinners & fall short of Gods glory. The only way to get to heaven is to be washed in Jesus' blood...agreeing with & accepting what He did for us on the cross.

There are many loving & compassionate people who won't spend eternity in God's loving arms simply because they failed to take the gospel message to heart. Now, consider David Berkowitz. Son of Sam. A self professed serial killer who admitted to murdering several people. He says he's repented & accepted Jesus into his heart. According to the Bible, David Berkowitz will go to heaven.

Also, people love to do comparisons. With that said, David Berkowitz can claim "I'm no Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer. I only killed a few people, not millions & I didn't eat any of them." We tend to compare ourselves to others to make ourselves look better... but by Gods perfect standard, we all fail.

Because we have morals, we want to decide what's good & bad but we are limited in our perception. God's prophet Samuel said that man judges according to appearances but the Lord judges according to what's in the heart. We tend to look at a person's behavior & then rely on our sense of right & wrong to judge that behavior. God's word says that we shouldn't lean on our own understanding but rather, acknowledge Him..

If we could see the same big picture that God sees, we would know that there are worse things going on in this world then murder. Blaspheming His Spirit would top the list. Thinking or saying that you don't need Him or His grace. A sick person can be restored to health. A saddened person can receive peace or a violated person can find strength. There is recourse from these tragedies but what is the hope for someone who claims they don't need God? There is none!

Romans 14:11 says ."...every knee shall bow & every tongue shall confess to God." Eventually, every person will be judged before God & on that day we will know who God is. He won't ask what religion you were or what doctrine you followed...He'll ask "What did you do with my Son?" but at that point, its too late to repent.

No matter your station in life or how caring & compassionate you were, you must ask yourself "Have I come to the realization that I fall short of Gods perfect standard & apart from His free gift of grace, I have no possible chance of being with Him in heaven."

If your haven't come to that conclusion, then there is only one eternal alternative. Freewill is the crowning touch to Gods perfect creation...mankind. At the same time, our ability to choose could lead to our ultimate & eternal demise. Where are you going?

Jeff D.


Breaking Walls Ministry

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